Impressionistic post-internet interdisciplinary artist from the state of Tejas. Resides in the great wild pale yonder. Multiple disorders. Feel free to send inquiry messages if you have any questions about me or my work.
Art is the closest way I can explain to you the tumultuous, sometimes near-excruciating experience of having my mind. I love art because it is the highest form of human expression—not through words, no, but through the raw input that our pattern-recognizing brains are actually capable of decoding. I aim to evoke emotions in you through my work. I try to impose order on the chaos of the 21st century’s constant sprawl of information on the internet. Post-internet, digital style. Embalm your memories onto a plastic disc with a laser. Do it a thousand times. Have the option of throwing them away to a place you're privileged not to live in.